When discussing my work with a stranger, the conversation usually goes like this: ‘So, what do you do?’ ‘I work in Public Relations’ ‘Or right, is that the same as advertising?’ ‘Eh, no’ Even now, after many years of telling friends and family about how my day was, I still get the question of, ‘Niamh,…

Proof: Blogs Work
[su_heading style=”default” size=”13″ align=”center” margin=”20″]To blog or not to blog? This is a question that many writers and companies have battled with in recent years. While the term ‘blog’ was coined in the late 1990s, it wasn’t until 2001 that popular blogs started to emerge and blogging became a new phenomenon. So why, 13 years…

Twitter now allows you to share GIFs
[su_heading style=”default” size=”13″ align=”center” margin=”20″]Twitter has announced that it will now allow users to share and view animated GIFs.[/su_heading] The news was announced via Twitter’s support account in a tweet saying, “Starting today, you can share and view animated GIFs on http://twitter.com , Android and iPhone.” Previously, GIFs only appeared on third-party apps such as Tweetdeck,…

How holidaymakers use Twitter
[su_heading style=”default” size=”13″ align=”center” margin=”20″]Twitter has released a very interesting infographic detailing just how their UK users are making the most of the social network while on their holidays.[/su_heading] While many people like to head away to rest and relax, it seems that a very large majority still don’t want to miss out on what’s…

Facebook has a post reach problem
[su_heading style=”default” size=”13″ align=”center” margin=”20″]Another day, another Facebook related issue and this time it’s to do with post reach.[/su_heading] Since Facebook began rolling out its most recent business page update, users have been complaining that the organic reach on their posts have significantly decreased with some reporting that their reach has decreased by thousands. Here…

Hoteliers and Instagram: A Match Made In Heaven
[su_heading style=”default” size=”13″ align=”left” margin=”20″]Instagram has such a large pool of active users yet it is still a largely untapped corner of the social media world by the hotel industry. There are some big players that do engage within the Instagram community (Thomson Hotels, Four Seasons Hotel and Morgans Hotel Group to name a few),…

Ireland’s most popular online messaging services revealed
[su_heading style=”default” size=”13″ align=”center” margin=”20″]Ireland’s most popular online messaging service has been revealed and surprisingly, it’s not Viber, WhatsApp or Snapchat.[/su_heading] According to a report by Ipsos MRBI, Skype is in fact the most popular way for Irish people to communicate online with 51% of Irish adults owning an account. Coming in second place at…

TravelMedia.ie does Paris
[su_heading style=”default” size=”14″ align=”left” margin=”20″]TravelMedia.ie has been on the move! Niamh Waters has recently returned from Paris, where she was working with GroupExpression Agency for one week. This is part of a series of ‘staff swaps’ – an initiative created by the Travel Lifestyle Network. TravelMedia.ie is very proud to be members of this global…

Picture Perfect – The power of images on social media
[su_heading style=”default” size=”13″ align=”left” margin=”20″]They say a picture is worth a thousand words and there are few places where this saying applies more than on social media.[/su_heading] In the last few years social media has been hit by an image boom. Image only platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest are more popular than ever with…

Social Media Images Cheat Sheet
If you know your social media then you will know the power of adding an image to your social media post. However, knowing what dimensions your image should be for each of your social media platforms can be quite a headache. That’s why the good people at Constant Contact have created a ‘Social Media Image…