What did we do this month?

April has been a busy month here at TravelMedia.ie. Let’s dive into some of the exciting events and experiences that filled our month:

  1. Press Trip to Nantes

Sophie led a trip of UK and Irish press to Nantes in France. Nantes, a city nestled on the Loire River in western France, is gathering the attention of  Parisians and travelers alike with its unique charm and vibrant culture. From quirky public art installations to eco-friendly initiatives and an incredible culinary scene, Nantes offers a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. 

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  1. TravMedia Awards in London

Michael, Sophie, Kia, and Darragh travelled to London to capture the prestigious TravMedia Awards for social media. The awards celebrate excellence in the travel media, social, and communications sectors, and recognize the outstanding achievements of professionals across the industry. Congratulations to all the winners who were recognized for their exceptional contributions!

  1. Behind the Scenes at ICAP x Museum of Style Icons

The TravelMedia.ie team had the pleasure of hosting content creators at The Museum of Style Icons, located within Newbridge Silverware, for an exclusive behind-the-scenes experience. Content creators were given the unique opportunity to explore the “Iconic Costumes of the Irish Silver Screen,”  exhibition,  curated by the Irish Costume Archive Project, before its official opening. They had the chance to intimately interact with these historic costumes, capturing the exhibition as it was assembled. Additionally, attendees enjoyed a guided tour of the Newbridge Silverware factory and afternoon tea at the cafe, making for an incredible experience for all.


  1. Hotel Reps Meeting in London

Michael flew to London to participate in the BTMI Hotel Reps Meeting, where hotel representatives and agencies gathered to strategize and collaborate on bringing visitors to the beautiful island of Barbados. This dynamic session underscored the commitment to promoting Barbados as a premier travel destination and fostering partnerships within the industry.

  1. The Travel Trade Representation Portugal Roadshow

The entire team joined forces for the TTR roadshow, welcoming a delegation of 23 Portuguese travel and tourism suppliers to Dublin, Limerick, and Cork. Led by Carlos Pinto de Oliveira, Director of Visit Portugal Ireland, the roadshow showcased the diverse offerings of Portugal to the Irish travel industry. From speed networking sessions to speeches by Portugal’s ambassador to Ireland, the event highlighted Portugal’s growing popularity among Irish travelers and the strong bond between the two countries.

April has been and incredible month for our team, and we can’t wait to see what will come. Stay tuned for more updates and insights from TravelMedia.ie!